KIP MC DONALD 19 5'10 165 chest 42, biceps 14, waist 30, thighs 19, calves 16. Born in Duluth Minn, be come to Hollywood for the purpose of studying dramatics and music but doesnt plan a movie career. Likes iving outdoors, and weekends always find him out in the beach or mountainresorts aroundL.A. Has worked barbells on and off since he was 17 and before that was with the Dick Smith trampoline act for about 6 months, which he feels helped to trim him down from afformer fat boy. He always listens to semi-classical music when he works out. Likes to read novels and autobiographies. Works as a sales trainee and likes meeting people. M.C. Woods Box 75636 Sanford station LA 5 Calif offers 8 photos of Kip for $3.

Fan fetters to Kip may be sent directly to his home 818 2/5 N. Alta Vista West Los Angeles Calif, but photo orders should be sent directly to Mr. Woods.

VIC CARLISLE 20, 151 5'8 of Atlanta Georgio, Immediately after Vic's first appearance in physique magazine, he immediately shot up to the status of a favorite model. (See face view of Vic on pg 14 of our Fall 56 PP). Vic bodybuilds regularly, wants shopliness but has no desire for massive muscles. Loves outdoor living, nude sunbathing, but unfortunately lately has had no place where he could lie out completely exposed and hence he has the unpleasant ton mark, but he hopes to remedy this soon.

M.C. Woods Dept 8 Box 75686 Sanford Station Los Angeles 5, California offers 8 4x5 photos of Victor Carlisle $3. 8x10 enlargement of this or other photos of Woods models $1.50. Catalog $1.

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NELSON HERLE at age 19

Ht 5'8, 160 lbs, chest 42" biceps 15, waist 29, calf 15, thighs 23.5"

Active in weight training, he follows his own course, but tends to favor Peary Rader's Iron Man as a Wtlifting bible.

A devoted Jehova's Witness Minister, he had the courage during the last conscription to be a conscientious objector. How much easier it would have been to malinger, pretend some ailment (or pretend to be nuts as did one bodybuilder we know). A boy of strong principle, he knows no compromise with his conscience! This is AMGs photo YG21-P Catalog of Nelson 10 cents.

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